Sensus is deploying and managing a smart water communication network for United Water, a major utility and wastewater provider and subsidiary of Suez Environment.
The network, which includes the Sensus FlexNet system, 325,000 smart endpoints and Software as a Service (SaaS), will help the utility provide sustainable water management for its New York and New Jersey customers, Sensus says.
United Water says it selected the Sensus FlexNet system to more effectively track water use through on demand meter reads, leak identification and water theft detection, three common causes of non-revenue water.
The Sensus FlexNet system is a long-range radio network that serves as a dedicated and secure two-way communications highway that the company says requires less infrastructure than competing systems.
The network is a primary reason for United Water’s selection. David Stanton, president of United Water’s Regulated Business, says it will help the utility reduce water lost from its distribution systems and provide greater billing accuracy to customers.
Earlier this month California’s Santa Clara Valley Water District selected IDModeling’s flagship smart water and wastewater enterprise software, Sedaru, to manage its water system.