S&P Global has released two additional levels of ESG information that inform a company's ESG Scores, providing deeper layers of insights and expanded transparency. An additional 400 data points have been made available for each company, based on their applicability and relevance to informing a company's overall scoring assessment. The additional data points will help markets better understand companies' environmental and social impact as well as its governance standards.
S&P Global has almost 10,000 ESG Scores, allowing investors to bring ESG information together with over 200 other datasets, including point-in-time financials, Trucost Environmental Data, Panjiva Supply Chain Intelligence, people data, ownership, corporate relationship, key developments, and more.
S&P Global says the additional data points will provide clients with a better understanding of companies' environmental reporting disclosures, biodiversity commitments, its direct and indirect CO2 and greenhouse emissions, waste/hazardous disposal, energy consumption, and water usage.
For the Social dimension it will now be possible to determine whether companies in their social reporting activities disclose safety policies, human rights commitments, code of ethics, and whether social reporting disclosures have been independently audited.
The Corporate Sustainability Assessment is based on 730 Question level scores which inform the 125 Criteria Scores across the E, S and G Dimensions. With access to the 400 new data points, it will be possible to further drilldown on the criteria scores for enhanced transparency.