Commercial trucks can now use recycled water instead of drinking water for three approved uses — construction trucks that spray water to keep down dust at construction sites, city trucks that perform sewer cleanouts, and street sweeping trucks that mist the street surface as they sweep — in two California cities.
As a step to conserve water during California’s historic drought, San José’s Environmental Services Department is making recycled water from its South Bay Water Recycling system available at truck fill stations in San José and Milpitas.
For example, the Bay Area Rapid Transit project construction site uses recycled water to keep down construction dust, which saves about 75,000 gallons per day of drinking water.
Seven filling stations are now operational in San José. Five recycled water filling stations are available in the Milpitas area. A filling station in Santa Clara is planned to open sometime this year.
As the California drought worsens, opposition to using recycled wastewater has lessened, according to the Sacramento Bee.