Online tools to help agencies choose water-efficient and energy-efficient technologies and products for deployment in federal facilities have been released by the US Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP).
Water-efficient products include WaterSense-labeled faucets, showerheads, toilets and urinals, as well as pool pumps that recirculate water.
The efficient technologies and products search tool and case studies map offer accessible technical information specifically geared toward federal agencies. The tools are intended to help federal staff make informed decisions about technologies and products that meet facility needs, as well as agency sustainability goals and mandates.
FEMP’s new search tool provides consolidated information for finding energy- and water-efficient technologies. The tool allows users to sort technologies by topic and efficiency programs such as Energy Star, FEMP Designated, WaterSense, and more.
Technology descriptions include information about related energy conservation measures, relevant resources and tools, training, federal laws and requirements, and more.
Additionally, FEMP’s new interactive Technology Deployment Case Studies map features real-world examples of efficient technologies that have been successfully deployed in federal facilities across the country. The map shows US climate zones and allows users to sort case studies by technology type or by federal agency.