MillerCoors Partnership to Benefit Great Lakes

As part of its continued efforts to more effectively manage its water use and ensure the availability of clean, high-quality water, MillerCoors has partnered with the nonprofit Alliance for the Great Lakes.

For every case of 12-ounce cans sold this summer in select states, Coors Light will donate 25 cents (up to a maximum of $60,000) to the nonprofit. The Coors Light “Keep ’em Great” program runs through the end of August in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.

Coors Light will drive awareness of its support for Alliance for the Great Lakes through packaging, retail point-of-sale, social media, digital marketing and public relations.

Since 2008, MillerCoors has saved more than 1.4 billion gallons of water. These results were achieved by implementing a number of measures to monitor and reduce water use, including short interval controls, shortening rinse durations and cycles, and using waterless lubrication for packaging lines.

Companies including AT&T, Deloitte, MillerCoors and Veolia see water scarcity as a business risk and a barrier to economic growth, according to a blog published last summer by Environmental Defense Fund.

Environment + Energy Leader