Chevron is investing in two lower-carbon projects in Western Australia.
The company announced its first nature-based carbon offsets projects in Australia, and Chevron intends to provide funding to Carbon Sync, a Western Australian soil carbon farming project. Likewise, Chevron is also participating in a multi-year research project with Deakin University’s Blue Carbon Lab. These projects will be produced by Chevron Australia New Energies, a subsidiary of Chevron that has a nearly 70 years presence in Western Australia.
Chevron's venture into nature-based carbon, in partnership with Carbon Sync, aims to fund a soil carbon sequestration pilot project encompassing up to 80,000 hectares of Western Australia’s cropping and grazing regions. Carbon Sync is a Western Australia agricultural education and extension service provider, which specializes in soil carbon farming development.
Now, in collaboration with Chevron Australia, Carbon Sync’s pilot project could impact Western Australian crops and farms. By focusing on restoring soil health through Regenerative Agriculture and Holistic Management, Carbon Sync’s focus is on both carbon reduction and obtaining sustainability and biodiversity in the region’s agricultural sector.
Chevron’s other funding effort includes Deakin University's Blue Carbon Lab for a multi-year research project. Blue carbon is the carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems, which in more specifics, applies to the carbon dioxide that becomes stored in the tidal marshes and seagrass meadows. When carbon dioxide becomes stored in these areas, it is subsequently removed from the atmosphere, which can potentially mitigate climate change.
The objective is to explore potential opportunities for carbon sequestration in Western Australia's coastal wetlands. According to Professor Peter Macreadie, the Director of the Blue Carbon Lab, the research can pinpoint the validity of blue carbon assets and uncover new avenues for conservation and restoration throughout the coastal wetlands.
Chevron Australia also operates the Gorgon and Wheatstone natural gas facilities, managing interests in the North West Shelf Venture, and investing in exploration and fuel delivery networks.