Toronto-based Zerofootprint, Inc. has released new software to help businesses measure their carbon footprint.
The Enterprise Carbon Manager (ECM) collects data from a company's global emissions sources, such as offices in each country, data centers, and employees' air travel. The software then calculates the company's total carbon footprint, based on local and global protocols, writes Network World.
A team of environmental engineers follows the latest emissions factors across the world to keep the software up to date. For instance, the amount of carbon emitted when you produce a liter of water or the amount of carbon in a kilowatt hour is different in each region of the world. Emissions could even vary by time of day, said Ron Dembo, Zerofootprint's CEO and founder.
The hosted software is ideal for companies who rely on the fact that they are green and must produce multiple carbon emission reports because it eliminates the need for an expensive third-party consulting service and/or collaborating data from multiple sustainability officers, according to the article.