The winners of the 2022 Environment+Energy Leader Product & Project Awards have been announced! Download the new awards ebook here to see the winners. Here's what our publisher, Sarah Roberts, has to say about this year's winners....
Dear Reader,
Creative entries flooded our desks this year, as always — and, while a large percentage of those did not earn a Top Project or Top Product of the Year Award, all of the entries were well worth reading. Solutions providers continue to innovate and evolve their products and services in a race to meet the world’s climate goals, while end-users put these tools to use with a commitment and dedication that is exciting to see. This year’s entries reflect that hard work — and the winners had to be head and shoulders above the rest in order to earn an award.
In other words, within these pages, innovations abound!
But don’t take my word for it. Check out what a few of this year’s judges had to say about some of the winners:
Intrigued? Then dive into this year’s Awards Ebook to find out more about the products and projects hinted at above, and to learn about so many more.
Download the ebook here, explore, and enjoy!
Best Wishes,
Sarah Roberts
Publisher Environment+Energy Leader
Call For Submissions for the 2023 Awards Program is now OPEN!
Congratulations to the 2022 Product & Project of the Year Winners!