Will Pepsi Come in an Edible Can?


PepsiCoAt PepsiCo, edible packaging may not be the stuff of science fiction.

The global food and beverage giant’s “Creator” team, which aims to explore and co-creates new experiences for consumers, teamed up with agency Sparks & Honey to find out what kinds of beverages consumers want, The Drum reports.

The report found sustainable packaging to be a key concern with 40 percent saying edible packaging should be an option. Some respondents say they would pay slightly higher prices for drinks with sustainable packaging.

Pepsi isn’t the first company to consider edible packaging. Loliware manufactures bioplastic packaging made from biodegradable — and edible — materials and a California sushi restaurant in 2013 launched a program that uses edible technology — served on the sushi — to provide diners with sustainability information about the fish.

In 2012 WikiCells, a startup founded by Harvard professor David Edwards, developed self-contained edible packaging in an effort to reduce plastic and paper waste.


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