White House Reminds Mayors That They Don't Want Emissions Regulations


pollution.jpgLast week, the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs sent an e-mail to mayors reminding them to comment on the government's proposal on limiting greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act before the November 28 deadline. However, the e-mail's message was more to remind the mayors to comment on how much they don't want to regulate emissions linked to climate change, Washington Post reports.

In the e-mail obtained by the Washington Post, Jeremy J. Broggi, the office's associate director, wrote, “At the time, President Bush warned that this was the wrong way to regulate emissions. Chairman John D. Dingell called it 'a glorious mess,' and many of you contacted us to let us know how harmful this rule would be to the economies of the cities and counties you serve. ”

White House spokesman Tony Fratto told the Washington Post that the e-mail is “reminding them that they said this rule would be bad for them, there's a deadline for the public comment period and they should get their comments in.”

Representative John D. Dingell was recently ousted by House Democrats from his chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce committee and replaced with Representative Henry Waxman, who is an advocate for pollution controls.

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