White House Calls for Emissions Studies for Federally Approved Projects


powerplant2A range of projects, from power plants to mines to landfills, would require an emissions study under a proposal from the Obama Administration.

The guidelines would require a GHG emissions impact study from any new project that would emit 25,000 tons of CO2 a year or more.

The emissions study would not necessarily affect the fate of the project, reports the Los Angeles Times, but officials could decide to call for emissions mitigation efforts at the project.

For instance, the government may require more upfront costs, such as a coal plant installing carbon capture and sequestration. A mine, for instance, may have to spend money to capture methane as it escapes from the mine.

Large-scale landfills also could be affected.

White House officials say the proposal is meant to have federal agencies use the National Environmental Policy Act to reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts, reports the Baltimore Sun.

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