Whirlpool Survey: Appliance Consumers Rank Energy As Top Concern


whirlpoolA recent survey by Whirlpool Corp. revealed that 84 percent of consumers said energy is most important to them when it comes to home appliance efficiency. Seventy-two percent of respondents said they actively look for the Energy Star label when making purchasing decisions.

The survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults found that married or previously married consumers appear to understand the benefits of using eco-efficient products more so than their single counterparts – 77 percent of married consumers said they look for the Energy Star label when purchasing appliances versus only 59 percent of unmarried consumers.

Sixty-one percent of married and 64 percent of previously married consumers said they understand what HE (High Efficiency) means in terms of laundry compared to only 51 percent of unmarried consumers.

Eco-industry insiders have long touted women as the "greener" gender, yet the survey found that 71 percent of males aged 35-44 surveyed are more attuned to high efficiency laundry appliances as compared to their female counterparts in the same age group (54 percent).

The majority of consumers age 18-44 said they would have a high efficiency washer in their dream laundry room, while consumers aged 45+ said they would most prefer a washer and dryer that are more ergonomically friendly.

Whirlpool recently completed a supply chain redesign to conserve energy and cut air pollution. The company is also a member of the Environmental Protection Agnecy's SmartWay Transport partnership.

Environment + Energy Leader