Changes in the natural gas market have drastically changed pricing dynamics. While higher natural gas production has dampened prices, daily price movements have become increasingly more volatile as the market wrestles with supply and demand balance.
Join Energy Manager Today and Siemens for a free webinar on Wednesday, April 15, at 2 pm EST, to discuss risk management plans to safeguard energy users against volatility in their budgets.
Fully protecting against rising costs by fixing prices may not produce a low-cost budget, and total exposure to open market prices may yield a much higher than expected budget. A step-by-step risk management plan that culminates into an actionable risk policy would provide an achievable balance toward managing the energy budget in a volatile environment.
In the complementary Energy Manager Today webinar, Phuong Le, Project Manager, Sustainability & Energy Management with Siemens and Douglas Romaine, Associate Director, Sustainability & Energy Management with Siemens will discuss mitigating the risk factors in energy procurement.