Web Site Offers Companies Chance to Recycle Unused Chemicals


chem canUnder the notion that one company's trash is another's treasure, a new Web site aims to help companies be rid of unused or discarded chemicals.

The Chemical Recycling Solutions exchange site allows other companies to agree to take on unwanted chemicals, according to a press release.

Posting unwanted chemicals is free, but registration is required.

The site has listings for acids, bases, solvents, acrylics, paints, surfactants, inks, oils and greases.

The site accepts out-of-date chemicals, as well.

The site eventually will add an industry forum and tips for recycling chemicals.

The Obama Administration has made a point of increased scrutiny over chemicals.

For instance, the EPA has rejected the right of businesses to file a confidentiality claim, known as Confidential Business Information (CBI) on the identity of chemicals. The move is expected to increase the public’s access to information on chemicals.

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