Waters New ProteinWorks Digest Kits Address Challenges of Protein Bioanalysis


proteinworks kits from watersWaters Corporation has a new line of Waters ProteinWorks Digest Kits that simplify, accelerate and standardize the LC-MS quantification of proteins via the surrogate peptide approach. The company says the kits are an ideal solution for laboratories performing protein bioanalysis at innovator and biosimilar firms, contract research organizations, disease research centers, hospitals and university medical centers.

The kits are also expected to allow biopharmaceutical scientists to more easily deploy methods to contract organizations as well as transfer methods from one laboratory to another.

ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Kits contain pre-measured, lot-traceable reagents, a 96-tube flexible sample collection module and easy-to-follow protocols enabling reproducible, fast digestion and accurate, sensitive protein quantification in both immunopurified and whole, non-immunopurified plasma and serum samples, according to Waters. The ProteinWorks product portfolio includes an optional, optimized µElution SPE kit and protocol designed to increase assay sensitivity, reduce matrix interferences, and improve LC-MS system robustness.

The five kits are now available immediately worldwide from Waters.


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