Waste-to-Energy Firm Target Ports Sector


FlexibusterUK-based company SEaB Energy says it’s focusing on waste-to-energy opportunities in the port sector.

The company’s Flexibuster, a self-contained anaerobic digester, processes food and organic waste, turning it into biogas, which is then used to generate electricity and heat. In addition, Flexibuster also provides a source of organic fertilizer income and a reduction in waste disposal costs.

SEaB Energy currently focuses on airports, hospitals and supermarkets; CEO Sandra Sassow says the company has set up a team “to focus on opening up new opportunities, like the ports sector, where there’s general waste but also waste from the ships.”

Using the Flexibuster results in a power output of 55 MWh and 131 MWh of heat based on 365 tonnes of waste a year. Or, it can all be produced as heat, which based on the same amount of waste, produces 240 MWh of heat.

Nestlé’s on-site anaerobic digestion plant is supplying about 8 percent of the factory’s electricity demand and has eliminated its solid waste handling costs one year after commissioning, the company announced in November.


Environment + Energy Leader