Waste-To-Energy Briefing: Urine Power, U.S. Capitol, Dynamis and SITA


Urine could be an abundant fuel for electricity generation, according to researchers from the U.K.'s University of the West of England, Bristol.

The researchers have found a way of directly producing electricity from urine by injecting it into microbial fuel cells. After the injection of urine, the fuel cells produced significantly more energy than with no urine, although the researchers found that after an initial climb, energy production did eventually recede.

Their research is published in the latest Royal Society of Chemistry journal, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.

The recent announcement that the U.S. Capitol is to direct its garbage to local waste-to-energy facilities came about because a composting program was too expensive, reports Waste & Recycling News.

The abortive composting program was dealing with only about 10 percent of Congress’ waste and costing almost $500,000 a year, as food scraps were being shipped to sites 70 miles away, the web site reports.

Congress’ new waste-to-energy deal should save around $60,000 and deal with 90 percent of the facility’s waste, the web site reports.

Dynamis Energy has launched a mobile waste-to-energy line of equipment. The WasteStation and AMWAPS models are designed for commercial and military use, respectively.

Waste management company SITA has opened ReEnergy, a waste-to-energy facility in Roosendaal, Netherlands. The plant has a treatment capacity of 291,000 tons of waste a year and can generate 256,000 MWh of electricity, equivalent to the electricity consumption of 70,000 households, SITA says.

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