Virginia Ritz-Carlton Achieves 100% Food Waste Circularity

(Credit: The Ritz Carlton)

The Ritz-Carlton in Arlington, VA has closed the loop on food waste. The hotel, along with BioGreen360 and Garick, announced the successful 12-month collaboration that has resulted in the development of a 100% circular food waste solution for the hotel.

On Memorial Day 2021, the hotel and BG360 began the collaboration with Garick to implement a closed-loop program aimed at diverting 100% of the hotel's food waste from landfill with the residual material being integrated into an all-natural, high nutrient organic compost product. To achieve this goal, the hotel leveraged BG360's integrated distributed technology solution, including a waterless digestor technology, proprietary bio-catalysis, an "as a service" business model, and a real-time data analytics package.

Over the last 12 months operating the BG360 solution, The Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City achieved its sustainability goals of successfully diverting 100% of its food waste totaling more than 27 tons. The organic material created through the on-site digestion process at the Arlington Hotel has been integrated into an all-natural compost at Garick's New Milford, CT facility, and is being repurposed into organic fertilizer, closing the 360 loop.

In addition, the culinary staff at the Pentagon City hotel has used the BG360 cloud platform and real-time data feeds to track which departments are creating waste so the hotel can reduce it over time.

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