Video Display Industry Adopting Sustainable Practices, Manufacturing


displayThe display industry has moved beyond green talk and is taking action - 80 percent of global electronic display companies have adopted environmental/sustainable practices, according to a survey from iSuppli Corp., CIOL News reports.

The global survey of 520 professionals revealed 83 percent of respondents said their companies have “green office” practices, such as using motion detectors to activate lights and recycling. Seventy-three percent of respondents said their companies are implementing energy efficiency programs.

The industry is also producing more green products. At this year's Consumer Electronics Show, LG announced that it is setting records with a new 32-inch TV which uses more than 50 percent less power than the average 32-inch LCD TV.

Last year, Sharp said it's solar-panel and LCD television technology is at the stage where one panel can provide enough power for the television for 4.5 hours per day without any additional electricity required from the grid.

Environment + Energy Leader