Verizon is requiring its hardware suppliers to use thermal modeling when designing circuit boards and cabinets for its network equipment. The goal is to improve operating efficiency by minimizing heat generation that impairs performance and requires air conditioning, according to a press release.
By using thermal modeling - or using a computer to simulate heat flow around computer components - Verizon figures it can design and place equipment in such a way to reduce heat generated and improve energy efficiency.
Chuck Graff, Verizon's Director of Corporate Network and Technology, calls thermal modeling a way to "go to the heart of the process."
Beginning in July of 2010, Verizon will require its equipment makers to present results of thermal modeling tests and show their circuits generate less heat before it will accept the equipment. Verizon is spelling out the details in its technical purchasing requirement.
Earlier this year Verizon began a new purchasing rule that required the new equipment to be at least 20 percent more efficient than what was being replaced.
By applying energy-efficiency measures in its buildings, Verizon has reduced its energy usage by 16.5 million kilowatts, according to the company's most recent sustainability report.