Verdegaal Bros. Offsets 99% of Energy Bill With Solar


vbA new fixed-mount solar installation at a California agricultural company should save the company about $60,000 a year in energy costs.

The new 188-kilowatt system at Verdegall Bros Inc. was made possible with more than $350,000 in tax incentives, cash rebates and accelerated market depreciation, according to a press release (PDF). The system is being installed by Conergy, using First Solar thin film solar devices, which are designed to perform well in hot, dusty areas like California's Central Valley.

Considering the rebates, the system will offset Verdegaal Bros.' utility bills by 99 percent while meeting 82 percent of the company's energy needs. The solar is spread out over a one-acre area.

The companies estimate that the solar installation will reduce carbon emissions by 6,145 tons over the 25-year life of the system.

Environment + Energy Leader