US Greenhouse Gas Emissions Drop 9% Since 2005


industrial plant emissionsThe US saw a 2 percent increase in greenhouse gas emissions in 2013 from 2012 levels, but a 9 percent drop in emissions since 2005, according to the EPA’s 20th Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks.

Total US greenhouse emissions were 6,673 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2013. By sector, power plants were the largest source of emissions, accounting for 31 percent of total GHG pollution. The transportation sector was the second largest source, at 27 percent. Industry and manufacturing were the third largest source, at 21 percent.

The increase in total national GHG emissions between 2012 and 2013 was due to increased energy consumption across all sectors in the US economy and greater use of coal for electricity generation, the agency says.

Emissions from large industrial facilities were 20 million metric tons higher in 2013 than the prior year, or 0.6 percent, driven largely by an increase in coal use for power generation, according to the EPA.

Photo Credit: industrial plant emissions via Shutterstock


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