From 2010 to 2015, the U.S. green data center market is projected to increase from $3.82 billion to $13.81 billion, according to the latest issue of EL Insights. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29% during this time period.
Information technology is responsible for two percent of the world's carbon emissions and the average data center uses as much electricity as 40,000 homes annually. Data centers operate at only four percent average utilization and represent 3 percent of all energy use in the United States. Worldwide there are 4.75 million operating servers that are not actively used and cost $20.7 billion to run, consume $3.7 billion in energy costs, and effectively waste $21.4 billion annually on maintenance, management, hardware, energy, and cooling.
In addition, EL Insights finds that U.S. Government expenditures on green data centers will reach $0.86 billion in 2010 and increase to $2.05 billion in 2015, accounting for 14.9% of the green data center market in the U.S.
According to EL Insights, companies can expect:
--An increase in the regulatory environment for monitoring energy efficiency of data centers which will put pressure on green data center vendors to develop products tailored to the public sector and encourage established government contractors to increase their service offerings to include green data center advisory services.
--Between now and 2014, there will be a 23.4 per cent increase in expenditure on public clouds and a 119.2 per cent rise in...
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