The United Nations published a report last week to help lawmakers at the upcoming meeting in Poznan, Poland to move closer to sealing a new global climate pact, Reuters reports.
In the U.N. report, the European Union and other nations propose limiting global average temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius through measures such as emissions trading and technology transfer. The report says China and a majority of Latin American countries hold that developed countries should take the lead in fighting climate change. The EU agrees.
In October, Yu Qingtai, China’s special representative for climate change talks, told Reuters that the climate pact could fail because rich countries are failing to deliver on promises of technological and financial assistance to poorer countries.
The EU, Brazil, and New Zealand all believe that emissions targets for rich nations needs to be 25 percent to 40 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2020.
So far, quantitative reduction targets for emissions have been discussed, but nothing has been agreed upon.