UL, BRE Announce Mutual Recognition EPD


ULUL Environment has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Building Research Establishment to jointly recognize each other’s environmental product declarations.

Mutual recognition offers manufacturers a simpler entry to the global marketplace, says Lisa Meier, vice president and general manager of UL Environment.

UL says it is partnering with global leaders like BRE to further the organizations’ joint goals of supporting best practices in transparency between program operators and to promote comparability of EPD in the marketplace worldwide. Manufacturers using an agreed-upon product category rule in addition to the EN 15804 core to develop their life cycle assessment, and then undergoing EPD certification by either UL or BRE Global, will have an EPD that now is globally recognized with increased market visibility, and can qualify for green building system credits worldwide.

Late last year eTool launched a product to help product manufacturers get their EPDs in front of construction project design teams. The eToolLCD now allows users to enter their own EPDs listed in the software, allowing users and designers to compare the environmental performance of various products from manufacturers using a globally recognized standard.



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