Google, Burger King, Dyson, Facebook, McKinsey, Amazon and Iceland are some of the 250 top brands that failed to disclose carbon-emissions performance data, according to the first annual survey of carbon performance of 600 of the UK's biggest brands, reports Marketing Magazine. Data for the Brand Emissions study is based on the Carbon Disclosure Project.
Brand Emission leaders include T-Mobile, BMW, British Airways, Abbey, and Dell. These companies reduced their carbon emissions and reported carbon emissions in compliance with international standards, reports Marketing Magazine.
Supermarket brand leaders include Tesco, Asda, Marks & Spencer, the Co-op, Sainsbury's and Morrisons, while top car makers included BMW, Volkswagen, General Motors and Renault, reports Brand Republic.
The study finds that about 400 brands are increasing their emissions, have lower emission reduction targets than the UK government or do not publish their emissions data, reports the Belfast Telegraph.
As an example, the report shows that McDonald's, Harvey Nichols and Porsche do not have any public emission reduction targets, according to Marketing Magazine. Of those that reported their emissions, 122 (54 percent) including Barclays, Sky and Ebay increased their emissions in 2008.
Overall, only one in five of the UK's top brands are cutting their emissions, and 121 brands have targets that meet the government's goal of reducing greenhouse gases by 34 percent based on 1990 levels by 2020 or 1.7 percent annually, reports the Belfast Telegraph.
The study also reveals that companies in the pharmaceutical, publishing, food retail and telecommunications sectors performed the best, while the car rental, hotel and general retail sectors came in last, according to the Belfast Telegraph.