UK Airlines Fall Under Stricter Emissions Scheme


The United Kingdom will allow its Environment Agency to fine UK airlines that don't meet strict emissions standards, according to a news report.

boeing2Recently, the UK had indicated the Environment Agency would supervise a scheme to cap aviation emissions in England and Wales.

For all of the European Union, starting in 2012,  CO2 emissions from aviation will be capped at the average 2004/06 levels. This will be applied to all flights arriving and departing EU airports.

In other aviation emissions news, Boeing has devised a landing program that cuts fuel use and emissions by giving aircraft tailor-made arrival paths, according to a Reuters story.

Boeing carried out tests of about 1,000 flights into San Francisco International Airport.  Using Boeing 777 and 747 aircraft, the Tailored Arrivals system helped airlines cut fuel consumption by 1.1 million pounds and carbon dioxide emissions by 3.6 million pounds over one year, Reuters reported.

Environment + Energy Leader