Tri Town Precision Plastics Taps Sun for Power


tri_town_precision_plastics.jpgTri Town Precision Plastics says its new solar photovoltaic system will be completed within the upcoming month. The system was designed and installed by Gloria Spire Solar with support from Essex Commercial Construction.

The 1,200-plus solar panel system is expected to produce about 248,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year and will occupy 23,000 square feet of roof space at the company.

The company says the new solar system is expected to help it avoid more than 190 tons of CO2 emissions per year, and avoid burning 660,000 gallons of gasoline over the system's lifetime.

The company expects to recover the cost of the system in less than six years and estimates that it will see almost $1.2 million in energy savings over the system's 30-year lifespan. The company received about $777,000 in grant from the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund, which helped to pay for nearly half of the system's cost.

Environment + Energy Leader