Toshiba Aims to Cut CO2 Emissions by 14M Tons


toshiba5rToshiba Group aims to reduce its environmental impact through its Energy and Eco Products Approaches, as part of the company's Environmental Vision 2050. These approaches are supported by Toshiba's Eco Process and Eco Program.

Through its Energy Approaches, Toshiba plans to reduce its CO2 emissions by 14 million tons in fiscal 2010 and 82 million tons in fiscal 2025. The Eco Products Approach is expected to drive both environmental and economic efficiency. The company says if all products shipped by the Toshiba Group in fiscal 2006 had replaced all those shipped in fiscal 2000, it would amount to a savings of 4.3 million tons per year. The company's goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 6.3 million in fiscal year 2010 and by 35.7 million tons in fiscal 2025 through the development of eco-friendly products.

As part of its overall environmental vision, which was established in November 2007, Toshiba is promoting the development of environmentally conscious product (ECP) design, the environmental impact assessment of products and disclosure of the environmental performance of products. These ECPs are created via the company's Eco Process that entails what the company calls a "5R design," which takes into consideration two reduction factors -- energy savings and cleanness -- (management of chemical substances) together with 3Rs -- reduce, reuse and recycle.

Compared to FY 2005, Toshiba is using 88 percent as much packaging materials.

Click here for Toshiba's Environmental Report 2008.

Environment + Energy Leader