Tool Helps States Choose Clean Power Plan Scenarios


SUPRIn anticipation of the EPA publishing its final Clean Power Plan this summer, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) has created a beta version of its State and Utility Pollution Reduction (SUPR) Calculator.

The proposed Clean Power Plan rule that came out last year allows states flexibility to pick from a host of pollution-reducing technologies and policies when designing their compliance plans. Energy efficiency is included in those options, along with renewable energy, nuclear power, natural gas generation, improvements to power plants, and many more.

The purpose of the SUPR calculator is to provide policymakers and stakeholders with a rough estimate of some of the costs and benefits of different policies and technologies that could help a state meet its air quality goals. Users can select from a list of 19 different policies and technologies, including energy efficiency policies, renewable energy options, nuclear power, emission control options, and natural gas, to build a compliance scenario in their state. SUPR shows users how much their scenario will cost and what they will get for that investment

Earlier this year, ACEEE released a step-by-step guide to help states claim emissions reductions resulting from building energy codes as a means of complying with the Clean Power Plan.

Environment + Energy Leader