Tesco's UK Import Warehouse to be 100% Biomass Powered


wood chipsUK retailer Tesco plans to tap into a 295 megawatt biomass power plant in Teesport, England, to supply 100 percent of the energy needs for its import warehouse, reports, Biomass Magazine.

The $815 million powerplant will be run by MGT Power. It will use about 2.4 million metric tons of wood chips a year and will begin construction next year.

MGT says it will source the wood chips from certified sustainable forestry operations in the North and South America, as well as the Baltic.

Tesco only recently opened the warehouse, which cost more than $80 million and is adjacent to the forthcoming MGT plant.

Tesco will not be MGT's only customer. The MGT plant will supply power to other operations as well.

Several months ago, Tesco achieved its goal of diverting from landfills 100 percent of waste from its UK operations.

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