SwRI Wins $20M Emissions Testing, Analytical Services Contract


swriSouthwest Research Institute (SwRI) has been awarded a $20.16 million contract by the EPA to provide testing and analytical services related to vehicle emissions and fuel consumption.

SwRI will conduct analytical services in emissions and fuel consumption on light- and heavy-duty vehicles and components under the five-year contract. Key areas of support include emissions characterization and technology assessment. SwRI can develop test procedures and equipment for regulated and unregulated emissions in light- and heavy-duty vehicles and components as well as marine, railway, aircraft, small engine, and other non-highway propulsion systems.

SwRI can evaluate all types of fuels and additives, including conventional and reformulated gasoline and diesel fuels; alternative fuels such as methanol, ethanol, compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen and blends of hydrocarbon fuels; and electricity (supplied from batteries or fuel cells) for electric, partial electric, and non-electric hybrid vehicles.

Environment + Energy Leader