Sustainability Software Translates LCA Results to Business Insights


Share & CollectPRé Sustainability has launched SimaPro Share & Collect, a web-based platform developed to facilitate fact-based sustainable decision making.

With Share & Collect, life cycle assessment (LCA) results can be made accessible to a broader business audience and can easily be converted into valuable business insights, the company says. This enables business departments to build a scientific basis for a robust sustainability strategy. Share & Collect is an add-on to LCA software SimaPro.

Interpreting LCA results requires expertise, and even answering simple “what if” questions can take a lot of back-and-forth reporting and waiting. In addition, LCA can seem like a black-box process. The company says Share & Collect “builds a bridge,” making LCA benefits more easily available.

It allows business departments to increase efficiency for:

  • Sustainable product development and modification
  • Environmental product declarations (EPDs)
  • Sustainability goal setting and benchmarking
  • Streamlined LCA studies


Environment + Energy Leader