Storage Center Cuts Emissions 11.5% Via Renewables, Efficiency


building-top-solarA UK self-storage center has adopted energy efficient lighting and renewable energy to cut its emissions 11.5 percent in 2008. Big Yellow Self Storage saved $165,000 as a result of the changes, reports

Big Yellow locations in Balham, Barking, Fulham and Merton, England, generated about 57,000 kWh in renewable energy, which adds up to carbon-emission savings of 24.5 tons of CO2 equivalent. Those figures are for the year ending March 31, 2009.

Ground-source heat pumps help heat facility reception areas during the winter. Also, the company has adopted eco-labeled packing materials.

Big Yellow has a blog about its sustainability initiatives.

The blog indicates Big Yellow has formal integrated a CSR structure to encourage best practices in all of its operations, as both a developer and operator of self-storage.

Environment + Energy Leader