The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries has unveiled a brand redesign (shown below) of its voluntary recycling certification programs RIOS and R2/RIOS. The new RIOS logo includes imagery that reflects the certification's "Plan, Do, Check, Act" system, ISRI says. The revised R2/RIOS logo incorporates the new R2 logo.
The International Code Council plans this autumn to begin testing an online voting process for a few proposed changes to the 2015 International Codes. The test is the next step in ICC's cdpAccess initiative to create "the code development process of the future," the council said. Since the online votes will be a test, the results will not be binding. The ICC plans to launch cdpACCESS on Nov. 15.
Casagrande Woodworks Inc. has received Passive House Institute (PHI) window frame certification for its Syngergist window, which has a thermal transmittance (Uw) of 0.79 W/(sq m K) with Passive House Efficiency Class A (advanced component). Casagrande says Synergist is the only PHI-certified solid timber-only, out-swing casement window in the world.
Nashville’s Bridge Building, a 1908 structure that the city spent $7 million to renovate, has earned LEED Platinum certification with 99 out of 110 points. The building offers event space and houses a parks department, the Southern Environmental Law Center and Cumberland River Compact, the Tennesseean reports.
Cloud computing company Cyber City has joined the e-Stewards Enterprise program, to ensure that its e-waste will be preferentially managed by e-Stewards Certified Recyclers. The Basel Action Network says Cyber City is the first technical support company based in New York's “silicon alley” to become an e-Stewards Enterprise.
Micro-Pak Ltd. says two of its antimicrobial packaging products for the apparel, footwear and accessories market, Enhanced Packaging Stickers and PE Sheets, are the first in the marketplace to earn US EPA registration. This required analysis of the products' chemistry, performance data and efficacy, the company says.