The Illinois Basin – Decatur Project (IBDP), a partnership between ADM and the Illinois State Geological Survey, is a carbon sequestration system with the capacity to permanently sequester CO2 from industrial processes. Led by The University of Illinois and funded by the US Department of Energy, the project aimed to confirm the ability of Mt. Simon Sandstone to safely store CO2 generated as a byproduct from ADM’s production of ethanol. On May 19, 2021, the University of Illinois and ADM announced IBDP as the world’s first successful completion of a pure storage carbon capture and storage (CCS) project. IBDP met its goal to sequester one million metric tons of CO2 over a period of three years, the equivalent of annual emissions from about 200,000 passenger cars, according to the US EPA calculator. The project set a new milestone for the world’s understanding and ability to implement industrial CCS systems
"The benefits were accomplished throughout the project years by collecting, compressing, dehydrating, and liquefying CO2 at atmospheric pressure from ADM’s corn-to-ethanol fermenters. Then sending the CO2 through a 1.6-kilometer pipeline and injecting it into the Mt. Simon Sandstone 2.07 kilometers deep in the Illinois Basin."
"The Illinois Basin Decatur Project’s IBDP is a trailblazing technological intervention within the industry that addresses climate change. This concept project provided the agricultural industry the opportunity to reduce emissions while combating the world's increases in global temperatures and the resulting catastrophic impacts of climate change. This pioneering project has opened the doors beyond the project and its goals."
"Not only does carbon sequestration contribute to ADM’s GHG emission reduction goals, but it also adds vital innovation to the global fight against climate change. Carbon Capture Storage enables ADM to offer lower carbon footprint or carbon neutral products to its customers, which include large multinational food companies."
The eleventh annual Environment+Energy Leader Awards will recognize excellence and innovation in products that provide companies with environmental and energy benefits, and top projects implemented by C&I organizations that have improved environmental or energy management outcomes.
Top Products & Projects of the Year will be awarded by our cadre of unbiased volunteer judges – all renowned experts from the environment and energy industries as well as some well-known industry consultants.
Award Entries will be accepted until 2/28/2023
All 2023 award winners will be featured in the annual Awards Book and receive recognition from E+E Leader during the July Solutions Summit.