Sports venues that installed LED lighting from Ephesus Lighting have eliminated 34,000 tons of C02 from being emitted into the atmosphere, the LED manufacturer says.
This represents a savings of about 45 million kW of energy.
Ephesus Lighting estimates that by Earth Day 2016, the company will have saved sports and entertainment facilities more than 200 million kW of energy and from releasing 150,000 tons of CO2 emissions.
In addition, since Ephesus LED fixtures last over 10 years with no maintenance, 250,000 replacement lighting fixtures containing mercury and other hazardous materials will not be disposed of in landfills, the company says. Ephesus’ fixtures are made of non-hazardous materials, which can be recycled or disposed of safely.
Ephesus Lighting has replaced metal halide lights with LED fixtures at more than 100 sports and entertainment venues including: University of Phoenix Stadium (Arizona Cardinals and Super Bowl 49), the Canadian Tire Center (Ottawa Senators), Cornell University, the US Naval Academy, Duke University and others.
NHL franchise the Montreal Canadiens and MLB team the Seattle Mariners other examples of professional sports teams experimenting with LED lighting as a means of cutting their energy bills and adding flexibility to their lighting.