Special Electricity Pricing Offer for Cape Cod Customers


Fifteen years ago, during the early stages of electricity deregulation, the Cape Light Compact (CLC) in Massachusetts became the first organization of municipalities to aggregate the energy buying power of its 200,000 residential and business customers. Previously, the Compact had offered residential and commercial pricing that was slightly lower than prices offered by the local utility (NSTAR, which is now part of Eversource), and industrial pricing that was 25 percent lower. However, as a result of rising wholesale prices, the Compact raised its prices in November, so they are currently slightly above NSTAR’s default service rate.

The Cape Cod Times reported last week that CLC’s retail provider, ConEd Solutions, is now offering CLC residential customers a special rate of 10.99 cents per kWh, which is 28 percent less than the standard rate of 15.37. Customers who choose this rate will be locked in through the end of the year.

Environment + Energy Leader