The Mesa Solid Waste Management Department in Mesa, Arizona, will use FleetMind Solutions’ Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) to improve efficiency in its fleet operations and customer service, the technology company says.
The waste management department provides a variety of services for about 126,000 Mesa residential customers and 4,400 commercial customers.
Mesa’s waste fleet management services had previously been managed through a combination of manual processes, desktop computer tools, limited vehicle tracking and management tools, and custom databases. Mesa realized that it needed a new and consolidated system to better support this service, ensure continued quality service delivery, and meet expanding business requirements.
The new system will also allow the department to manage its sales process and profitability by being fully integrated with the city’s Hansen Customer Care and Billing system.
FleetMind will provide its route management and dispatch system that offers enhanced customer communications, and more accurate and real-time operational data analysis through live web-based map displays and dashboards. Patrick Murphy, Mesa’s Solid Waste Management Department interim director says the system improves the department’s ability to react to our customers’ needs in real-time. “This new functionality will facilitate operational efficiencies, reduce costs and maximize revenues,” Murphy says.
Paragon Software Systems says its vehicle routing and scheduling optimization products can help transport and logistics industry professionals lower fuel usage, improve carbon emissions, better utilize resources, and reduce transportation costs, thus bringing a big impact to their bottom line.