Solar Impulse Foundation to Release Comprehensive Guide of 1000+ Cleantech Solutions

(Credit: Solar Impulse Foundation)

Organizations that are searching for technology that will support them in achieving their sustainability goals will soon have a new tool that may help: the Solar Impulse Foundation is pulling together a portfolio of more than 1,000 cleantech solutions that it says have a positive impact on both the environment and the economy. The organization claims it will be the only such portfolio of verified and labeled technologies available to businesses, governments, and individuals.

The beta version of the guide is now available, and it will officially launch in November of this year.

The guide is a database of climate technology solutions that can be accessed and searched by geography, industry, financial or environmental impact. The solutions are those that are currently available and that will help meet the “urgent climate goals set by the 2015 Paris Agreement,” the organization says.

Piccard and the Foundation will also use this growing portfolio of cleantech solutions to create a “cleanprint” for public authorities. This is a type of climate blueprint with information on how to use the appropriate solutions to move toward their climate objectives.

Companies with labeled solutions range from multinational corporations to small startups. The organizations and solutions all underwent a rigorous assessment by a team of more than 400 independent industry experts before obtaining the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label. The solutions also must have demonstrated energy conservation or efficiency as well as profitability potential before earning the Solar Impulse label. As more organizations apply to the Foundation for a label, more technologies will be added to the portfolio, the organization says.

Businesses can register for the beta version of the guide on Solar Impulse Foundation’s website.

Environment + Energy Leader