Softchoice, a value-added reseller of software and hardware, has used some common-sense methods to reduce its energy use and impact on the environment, according to its recently released 2007-08 sustainabiity report. The report did not quantify the company's total carbon footprint or total emissions.
Softchoice, which had $1.2 billion in 2008 revenues, lumps its sustainability efforts under a marketing plan it calls "Sustain-enable." The three stated goals of the plan are to be an eco-efficient partner, be an enabler of green IT solutions and be the means for a better industry.
Within its own operations, here are some sustainability efforts detailed in its 2007-08 sustainability report (PDF).
- By automatically turning off PCs, the company saves 130,000 kilowatt hours annually. An initial audit revealed that 20-40 percent of computers were left on continuously. The program has resulted in $13,000 in energy savings.
- The company has switched to Energy Star-rated laptops and desktops.
- Switching to renewable utensils reduced plastic cutlery by 12,000 pieces per month, eliminating $7,000 in annual costs.
- Going to energy-efficient light bulbs reduced the company's annual carbon footprint by more than 868,000 pounds.
- The company's GreenCommute subsidy has garnered regular participation by 279 employees, who walk, cycle or take public transportation to work. The subsidy ranges from $75 to $90 a month, per employee, depending on where they live and how far they travel from home to work.
- Recycling programs are in place at 90 percent of Softchoice's locations, up from only 43 percent at the beginning of 2008.
- Using Web conferencing, the company aims to reduce the 7.8 million kilometers traveled by air in 2008.
- The company added a full-time Sustainability Programs Manager in January 2008.
- The company has an internal, grassroots Green Team comprised of 40 individuals.
For its customers, Softchoice notes that it:
- Offers more than 2,400 Energy Star-rated products and 1,500 EPEAT-rated products.
- Softchoice has sold PC power management software to turn off 37,000 customer machines each night.
- On June 1, 2008, the company said it would cease selling cathode ray tube monitors, which are not energy efficient and contain harmful chemicals.
In April of 2008, Softchoice became the first company to offer a searchable online green IT product list.