Single-Stream Recycling Increases Collections More than 50%


A Florida county increased its recycling by more than 50 percent after switching from dual residential recycling collections to single-stream recycling last May, Waste Mangement World reports.

As it made the switch St. Lucie County also constructed a new material recycling facility and hired recycling equipment manufacturer Machinex to make the equipment to process the collected materials.

The Machinex system is designed to process 15 tons per hour of residential single-stream recyclable materials. It is equipped with a Drum Feeder for loading the system, Mach OCC Screen, Mach ONP Screen, Mach Finishing Screen, a Dual-Eject Optical Sorter for PET and HDPE, magnet for steel cans, an Eddy Current for aluminum, and a II-Ram Baler.


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