Sedex, WBI Develop Open Supply Chain Platform


supply chain managementResponsible supply chain specialists Sedex Global has partnered with the World Bank Institute to develop Open Supply Chain Platform, a free, global online platform for companies to upload, share and track core information in areas of business ethics, labor standards, environmental footprints and governance practices.

Developed as part of the World Bank Institute’s Open Private Sector Platform, the web-based and user-managed online platform will enable suppliers to benchmark themselves against core international standards and provide guidance on areas of weakness, in turn enabling them to drive improvements and share information on performance with buyers. For buyers, the platform will inform sourcing decisions by empowering them to search for, and source goods and services from suppliers that demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of sustainability requirements and commitments.

The Open Supply Chain Platform will help companies better understand their performance, increase sustainability and diversity, and generate shared values along global supply chains, the organizations say.

Sedex will develop content for the platform; OpenCorporates will design system architecture.

On April 15, the European Parliament adopted the directive on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information. Because of this new rule, many EU companies will need to disclose information on policies, risks and outcomes linked to environmental performance, social and employee-related aspects, respect for human rights, anti-corruption practices, bribery issues and diversity.

The biggest barrier to the success of a company’s sustainable supply chain practices is a lack of leadership support, according to a PwC and APICS Foundation survey published last week.

Image Credit: supply chain via Shutterstock

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