Ship operators participating in the Port of Seattle's At-Berth Clean (ABC) Fuels Program have reduced emissions of sulfur dioxide by at least 80 percent and diesel particulate matter by 60 percent by switching to a low-sulfur fuel in their auxiliary engines while docked, reports the Seattle Business Examiner.
Vessels participating in the ABC Fuels program, aimed at reducing maritime-related air emissions, agree to use low-sulfur fuel (0.5 percent or less) in their auxiliary engines while docked in Seattle, reports the Seattle Business Examiner. In exchange, the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency helps defray the cost of the more expensive low sulfur fuel by providing participating vessels with $1,500 for each port call
So far 37 ships from six container lines and one cruise line are participating in ABC Fuels, representing about 35 percent of the vessels that make frequent calls at the Port. Sulfur dioxide emissions from those vessels have declined by more than 20 tons.
Participating shipping lines include APL, CMA CGM, China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO), Hapag Lloyd, Maersk Line, Matson Navigation, and Norwegian Cruise Line.
The port is contributing about $450,000 this year to the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency for emission reduction activities, including the ABC Fuels program, according to the newspaper.