School District Saves $350,000 per Year via JadeTrack


JadeTrack energy manageThe K-12 Olentangy Local School District in Lewis Center, Ohio, used JadeTrack’s energy management software to track electricity usage in 15 elementary schools and gas usage in 12 elementary, middle and high school buildings. The district has compiled the numbers and says it was able to save over $350,000 in the first year of the program.

During a high-growth period in the district’s history, officials built elementary buildings with the same square footage and similar mechanical and HVAC systems. Yet, in some instances, buildings within a few miles of one another reported energy usage that was significantly different than similar buildings. With JadeTrack, district managers were able to identify performance anomalies and adopt best practices for all the buildings.

Much of this savings is possible because of the daily visibility provided by JadeTrack’s monitoring services platform. The software transforms building performance data into useful information needed to eliminate unexpected peaks in usage, and to identify energy-usage issues including behavioral tendencies, simultaneous heating and cooling and inferior insulation.

Environment + Energy Leader