A new iPhone application from SAP and the Carbon Disclosure Project illustrates an emerging way for organizations to market data and trends related to climate change.
The app shows a visualized breakdown of a variety of corporate emissions data.
To access the reports via an iPhone, click here.
Among the data sets, the application shows a sample of the level of disclosure of emissions by companies within the FTSE 350.
Another data set shows the percentage of companies by nation that are disclosing information to CDP.
A third data set shows the SAP Carbon Footprint report that tracks how companies have reduced emissions in different regions, as well as their 2020 targets.
The final data set, the SAP Buildings Energy Footprint, shows various SAP buildings throughout the world, disclosing their total energy use and their monthly electricity use.
This is not the first mobile phone application related to the environment or sustainability.
Clear Standards, which was purchased by SAP in June, earlier this year launched the “Carbon Tracker,” a free GPS-enabled carbon footprint application for the iPhone.
Meanwhile, businesses wanting to educate consumers about their “greener” side can do so via a mobile phone application from 3rdWhale.
T-Mobile has a mobile application that offers discounts on “environmentally conscious” products and services.