Samsung Launches Eco-Management Initiative


samsungsustainabilitySamsung Electronics has announced a new green management initiative that details a comprehensive set of goals by 2013 that includes the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from manufacturing and products, the development of eco-friendly products, financial investment in eco-management initiatives, and enhanced green partnerships with suppliers and partners.

Samsung's "Eco-Management 2013" plan centers on four core green management objectives: reducing greenhouse gas emissions normalized by sales at manufacturing facilities by 50 percent and cutting total indirect greenhouse gas emissions from all products by 84 million tons over a five year period through 2013; ensuring 100 percent of Samsung's products are eco-friendly and exceed global eco-mark standards; investing 5.4 trillion Korean won in various eco-management initiatives including eco-friendly products, energy saving technologies and greening of manufacturing facilities; and enhancing green partnerships with suppliers and partners.

To cut greenhouse gas emissions at manufacturing facilities, Samsung plans to introduce LCD and semiconductor lines with PFC and SF6 reduction technologies, and enhance its energy management systems. To achieve a reduction in indirect greenhouse gas emissions from Samsung products, the company said it will improve the energy efficiency of its products including TVs, refrigerators and air conditioning systems to the highest level in the industry, and reduce standby power consumption from 1.0 W to 0.5 W.

To exceed its Good Eco-Product criteria for 100 percent of Samsung's products, up from the current 50 percent, Samsung will introduce an eco-friendly evaluation for products in the R&D stage, enhancing energy efficiency and increasing the use of recyclable and eco-friendly materials. Samsung assigns each newly developed product with an eco-rating (Eco-Product, Good Eco-Product, or Premium Eco-Product) based on internal evaluation criteria.

Earlier this year, Samsung launched a line of cell phones with built-in solar panels for recharging the battery. In addition, the phone is composed of recycled plastic, without harmful substances like brominated flame retardants (BFRs), Beryllium and phthalates.

The company will also strengthen environmental cooperation with suppliers and partners, including supporting the implementation of green management systems such as ISO 14001, and the establishment of greenhouse gas inventories.

The company also unveiled its green management vision, "Creating New Value through Eco-Innovation," and the program's slogan, "PlanetFirst," during a ceremony at Samsung Electronics' corporate headquarters in Seoul.

Environment + Energy Leader