Rising Power Costs Puts Variable Speed Compressors Back In Vogue


Rising electricity costs and concerns about the environment are behind a current trend of returning to “older” technologies - such as variable speed compressed air systems, according to Dino Alessio, Champion Compressors' marketing manager.

Alessio told Manufacturers' Monthly that there is also a growing market for power save options, where manufacturers can pick and chose energy efficiency options that best suit their applications.

“We are trying to encourage compressor users to choose the power save option that is best for their application. For example there is no point getting a heat recovery system built into your compressor if you don't need any hot water on your site,” said Alessio.

While variable speed compressors can be the most energy efficient option, Alessio warns that often he sees the systems installed in applications where they are working at 100 percent load, offsetting any benefits the compressors could offer. Variable speed compressors are designed to operate at an optimum of 70 percent load, when compressor loads reach above or below 85 percent, the compressor's efficiency drops away.

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