Renting HVAC Equipment Addresses Short-Term Service Needs


rooftop compressor Energy ManageWhen unexpected mechanical failures or outages occur, renting HVAC and power equipment can help facility managers avoid disruptions in service while necessary repairs or replacement are made, Facility Executive reports.

Temporary equipment can help maintain service during large-scale retrofit projects and serve as a back-up after the retrofit is complete as part of the startup and commissioning processes. It can also be used when completing routine maintenance on a building’s main systems, to control humidity after painting or dry walling, to reduce stress on the main system during times of extreme heat or cold and to provide additional heating or cooling services during special events.

Many of the larger rental companies have several locations across the country and are able to respond quickly to customer needs; however, organizations that have agreements in place can reduce response times by as much as two-thirds.

It’s a good idea to integrate HVAC and power equipment rental into the organization’s crisis response plan, and having a comprehensive rental plan in place can help facility managers facilitate a smooth rental process, says the Facility Executive article. A well-developed plan can reduce the time required to find, install and start up a temporary HVAC or power generation system.

Facility teams can make the following preparations to ensure buildings are ready to accommodate temporary equipment:

  • Identify the best site to position the equipment.
  • Make necessary modifications to ensure proper placement of electrical connections for faster tie-ins with temporary equipment.
  • Ensure proper amperage is available.
  • Be aware of additional safety and security precautions with the temporary equipment.
  • Investigate city ordinances, permits and other requirements that could impact the use of temporary equipment.

Photo via Shutterstock.

Environment + Energy Leader