Rennovia Develops Bio-Based Nylon


RennoviaRennovia says it has developed a process to make a bio-based nylon material that will cost 20 to 25 percent less to produce and halve greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional petroleum-derived chemicals.

The company says it has demonstrated production of hexamethylenediamine (HMD) — a key chemical used to make nylon — from renewable feedstocks. Coupled with Rennovia’s previously announced renewable adipic acid, this enables for the first time the production of 100 percent bio-based nylon-6,6 from monomers derived from bio-renewable feedstocks using chemical catalytic technology, according to the company.

Nylon-6,6 is used extensively in resin and fiber applications, as well as polyurethanes. These are used to make a wide range of consumer goods, including shoes, apparel, carpeting and other textiles. Nylon-6,6 is also used to make tires and interior, exterior and under-the-hood car parts, which benefit from its heat resistance.

More than 3 billion pounds of HMD is currently produced per year from petroleum-derived propylene or butadiene, representing a global market of more than $4 billion, Rennovia says.

President and CEO Robert Wedinger says practicing the company’s HMD process at demonstration scale is the next milestone.

The Biotechnology Industry Organization yesterday announced that Coca-Cola Co., LanzaTech, Lignol Energy, Plum Creek, American Science and Technology, Calysta Energy and Neol Biosolutions have joined the group. The industry organization represents companies developing innovative industrial biotechnology products and processes.

Chicago-based American Science and Technology, for example, has created a process for converting biomass to sugars and bio-oil for renewable fuels and chemicals as well as lignin for bio-based products.

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